Everyone that is serious about making some extra money, every month should at least sign up for the top 5 get paid to surf the web programs listed below. You should be able to use the first 5 programs at the same time (excluding #3 ) fairly easily without them taking up more than 1/4 of your of the space on your screen most of the time (if you have a 17" monitor or larger), if you position them right and earn $1.50 to $5+ per hour. The first three allow you to start earning money right after you sign up.
Each of these programs is absolutely free to join and and only takes a couple of minutes to sign up for. Make $100's more every month by referring other people and getting paid for the people that they get to join up to 8 levels deep.
Below you will find Links to Companies that will show you how to get Paid to Surf the Web:
Spedia - Pays a percentage of revenue. Last month it was 49 cents/hour. 25% for referrals.
Surf4Euros - Worldwide payments 60 Euros per hour = about 60 cents.
CashRadio - $0.25/hr; direct - $0.05/hr; 1st to 4th levels referral - $0.025/hr. They have over 175 different formats of music to listen to.
CashFiesta - Get paid for: Surfing, Play Games, Email Send AND Receive. Referring others. $.60 - $.20 - $.10 - $.05 - $.05 - $.05 Paid monthly. $30.
CoolAgent.com - They send you specific offers to view specific ads. You choose to view or not the ad. 4 levels of referrals.
ADSENGER rewards - You will be paid between \\$0.25-$10/ad you view; 5 levels of referrals 20%-10%-10%-10%-10%.
BasicPoint - Pays you for surfing the web with their surfbar and referring other people to do so.
ClickDough - Every time you use the web, you get paid for allowing the Personal Window to appear on your screen. 50% of Ad revenue for viewed ads, 8 levels of referrals.
ePilot - Pays a percentage of revenue.
Ignifuge - - Each time you come on Ignifuge.com and the downloaded software is active, you get paid.
ePipo - $0.60 /hr for you and 10% of your referrals earnings up to 5 levels.
GetPaid4 is a great fairly new program from TeknoSurf.Com. TeknoSurf.Com has been around for an eternity in the "Internet World" and is the fastest growing web network for direct response advertising. Their monthly revenues are in excess of $1 million. While they are new to the "Get Paid to Surf the Web" arena, their established relationships with advertisers gives them a huge advantage over other companies in this area.
PaysU.com - Earn cash by view ads on the internet, $0.50/hour. Offers up to 25 hours per month, and 5 levels of referrals. Also offers several prize giveaway.
ValuePay - Get paid up to $1.00 for every hour that you are online. For every direct referral that you make you will earn a 10 cent bonus each time they earn one dollar. For every indirect referral that you make you will earn a 5 cent bonus each time they earn one dollar. The referral levels are 5 levels deep.
Surf With Money - Surf With Money will be operating as long as the members want it to.
- Join up for free by clicking the "Sign Up" button on the site. Important: Please note that Yahoo, Hotmail and AOL email addresses may not work with our software and you may NEVER receive your activation email with those email addresses! We recommend you use a different email address, such as your ISP address, Gmail or Myway.
- Wait a few minutes for your Activation Email. Click the activation link in the email to confirm your address.
- Log in to your account with your username and password.
- Click on Start Surfing to earn money.
- You can earn more. Click on upgrade account and purchase up to 1000 upgrade units.
- You earn cash by visiting sponsored websites; simply visit 240 sites every day to earn $0.35 of your level.
List of international companies that pay to surf the web and visit advertisers websites
List of international companies that pay to surf the web and visit advertisers websites